Elder Abuse
The global population of people aged 60 years and older will
more than double, from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion in 2025. Around
4 to 6% of elderly people have experienced some form of maltreatment at home.
Elder maltreatment can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term
psychological consequences. The incidence of abuse towards older people is
predicted to increase as many countries are experiencing rapidly ageing
Elder abuse is a global social
issue which affects the health and human rights of millions of older persons
around the world, and an issue which deserves the attention of the
international community.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15,
2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the
World Health Organization at the United Nations. The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 66/127, designated June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It represents the one day in the year when the whole world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted to some of our older generations.
Elder abuse can be defined as "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person". Elder abuse can take various forms such as physical, psychological or emotional, sexual and financial abuse. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect.
Elder abuse is a problem that exists in both developing and developed countries yet is typically under reported globally. Prevalence rates or estimates exist only in selected developed countries — ranging from 1% to 10%. Although the extent of elder mistreatment is unknown, its social and moral significance is obvious. As such, it demands a global multifaceted response, one which focuses on protecting the rights of older persons.
The purpose of WEAAD is to
provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better
understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the
cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and
neglect. In addition, WEAAD is in support of the United Nations International
Plan of Action acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health
and human rights issue. WEAAD serves as a call-to-action for individuals,
organizations, and communities to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect,
and exploitation.
Approaches to define, detect and address elder
abuse need to be placed within a cultural context and considered alongside
culturally specific risk factors. For example, in some traditional societies,
older widows are subjected to forced marriages while in others; isolated older
women are accused of witchcraft.
From a health and social perspectives, unless
both primary health care and social service sectors are well equipped to
identify and deal with the problem, elder abuse will continue to be under
diagnosed and overlooked.
Each year on or around June 15th, communities and municipalities
around the world plan activities and programs to recognize WEAAD. We encourage
you to join others around the nation and world in observing WEAAD by carrying
out activities such as:
· Developing
an educational program or press conference;
· Volunteering
to call or visit an isolated senior; or
· Submitting
an editorial or press release to your local newspaper to create awareness of
elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an excellent opportunity to
share information about abuse, neglect, and exploitation in later life.
However, raising awareness of mistreatment of older persons is an ongoing
effort, not limited to one day. There are many ways to become involved, from
the simple yet meaningful, to planning events that require a little more
commitment and time. Visit the “Join Us in the
Fight Against Elder Abuse” section of the National Center on Elder
Abuse (NCEA) website for more information and activity ideas for World Elder
Abuse Awareness Day. Whether the effort is great or small, once a year or
throughout, all of these efforts empower us to make long-lasting differences in
the lives of vulnerable elders.

something purple to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
For better knowledge pl. go through the links
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